Grainau, Germany and Zugspitze

Happy March! I am so excited that spring is just around the corner. I am soaking up the sunshine right now, but I do want to share with y’all one of my favorite memories during our time in Germany: Zugspitze! The Bavarian region of Germany was probably one of Andrew’s and I favorite. This visit…

Keukenhof, Netherlands

Hi! I am alive. I just took a short hiatus in April ’19 to adjust to my job and then I got my first teaching job in November ’19! I was then adjusting to my new job and husband deploying for six months (more in later blog posts) right before the global pandemic hit. Now…

Day Trips from Ramstein, Germany

Hey guys! Happy second day of spring! I am so excited! I actually need it the sun right now. Ya girl is starving for some sunshine and 70 degree weather, but we can hold off on that sweltering German heat wave that we all know is coming. Alas, I am ready for all the things…

A Week in Prague, Czech Republic

Hey y’all! I am back and ready to hit you with the details of our Christmas adventure in Prague. Better late than never, right? Anyways, I am going to switch up the style of this travel blog a little bit. Instead of giving you a play by play of our week, I am just going…

Not Getting Your Dream Job and Flirting with Death

Wow. Hello! I kind of fell off the face of the universe for a second. Why? Well. The holidays were slightly chaotic because of our trip to the Czech Republic, but I also started substitute teaching at a local high school and the day before our trip I interviewed for a full time position at…

Planning the Ultimate Vacation

Hey guys! It is officially the Christmas season and we all know that means everyone is planning vacations either for the holidays or the upcoming new year. I decided to go ahead and create a blog that would share some tips on ways to save time, money, and you sanity when planning your next holiday…

Transitioning Into Military Spouse Life

Andrew and I just celebrated one year anniversary, so I decided to give you guys some tips that will help military spouses (or anyone considering becoming a military spouse) ease into the lifestyle a little easier. Now just a disclaimer: I am not an expert. This is purely just based on the experience I had…

Dating Stories: I Can’t Make This Stuff Up

We are officially moving into the holiday season! It’s a really exciting time because you get to surround yourself with good people, food, and make some memories. I know some people aren’t super crazy about this time of the year (which is a valid feeling to have) and it sometimes has to do with the…

How I Dye My Hair Red

What’s up guys? It is time for another beauty blog. I am pretty pumped for this one because I am going to finally explain how I dye my hair. I surprisingly get asked frequently about my hair and what formulas I use to dye it, so I decided it was time to sit down and…

People With Disabilities Aren’t Your Show Ponies

Hey guys! I wanted to share in this blog something that has been on my mind a lot lately. October is National Disability Awareness Month and National Disability Employment Awareness Month, so this seems like a fitting time to write this blog. Let me start this blog off by stating that I don’t have a disability,…